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Terms and Conditions

At Erika's House Cleaning LLC, we are committed to delivering top-notch cleaning services while maintaining transparency and ensuring our clients' satisfaction. To provide clarity and establish clear guidelines, we have outlined our service policies in these General Terms and Conditions.


We encourage all our clients to review these policies to understand how we operate and what to expect from our services. Your satisfaction and trust are of utmost importance to us, and these policies help us maintain the highest standards in the industry.

General Terms and Conditions


Published: 07/08/2024 and in effect from 07/22/2024


The Client agrees to comply with all these General Terms and Conditions by scheduling or continuing with Erika's House Cleaning LLC services. Read Entirely.


Service specifics such as the location, rates, covered areas, additional services, and guarantees, in addition to these Terms and Conditions, will be outlined in the Estimate given to the Client by Erika's House Cleaning LLC prior to the service. The service will be carried out in accordance with the policies, standards, and guidelines set by Erika's House Cleaning LLC, as outlined on and

1. Understanding Our Cleaning Services - Review Service Specifics

To ensure that the Client receives the best possible service, we encourage the Client to review the specifics of what is included in each of our cleaning services. Please note that our service is defined by the process that will be delivered and how and what will be done; however, we cannot guarantee specific results as the Client chooses the service, and some conditions or tasks may be beyond the scope of the service ordered by the Client. Detailed information about our services can be found on our website at


2. Satisfaction Guarantee

If the Client feels that the quality of work performed is unsatisfactory, they should contact Erika's House Cleaning LLC within 24 hours of the service and clearly describe the areas or issues of concern. We will be glad to return and re-clean any missed areas, correct the issue, and make arrangements to rectify the situation if needed. If the 24-hour guarantee window is affected by a weekend, holiday, or outside of our business hours, the Client should send us their concern via text or email within 24 hours of the service, including all necessary details, and we will get back to the Client as soon as possible to rectify the situation. While we strive to deliver the best possible service, we ask our clients to understand that small imperfections may happen, as we are all human. We do our utmost to eliminate these imperfections to provide you with the best cleaning services possible. Please note that our service is specified by the process that will be delivered and how and what will be done; however, we cannot guarantee specific results as the Client chooses the service, and some conditions or tasks may be beyond the scope of the service ordered by the Client. Please note that we do not issue any refunds.

3. Estimated Price Clarification

We highly recommend and offer a free in-person walk-through of the Client's house for those considering maintenance cleaning on regular basis services. This allows our representative to confirm the online or over-the-phone estimate, answer any questions, learn the client's expectation and provide professional suggestions or recommendations to ensure the best start for a long-term maintenance service, including the first initial cleaning. This process ensures all questions are answered before scheduling, and the price is accurately determined.


For services scheduled based on online or over-the-phone estimates, the condition, size, and tasks needed are provided to us by the Client without the ability for Erika's House Cleaning LLC to accurately evaluate the situation until the day of the service. If, upon arrival, the condition, size, type of service, or other factors do not match what was scheduled, we will address the situation as described below.


For one-time services and initial cleaning services without an in-person walk-through, we may issue the estimate with a maximum time limit purchased by the Client in terms of labor hours. This maximum limit defines the maximum labor hours purchased, and any additional time may be purchased by the Client at the rate provided in the estimate. Please note, for services that include a maximum time limit purchased by the Client in terms of labor hours as described above, our Satisfaction Guarantee Policy cannot be upheld if additional time is needed but not purchased by the Client. In such cases, our Satisfaction Guarantee Policy does not apply.

If our Technician or Team discovers during a scheduled job that the house condition is worse than the condition for which the service was requested and scheduled, we may need to adjust the scope of work to match the job charge or adjust the charge to cover the additional work. We will do our best to reach and inform the Client about the situation to discuss their preferred option. However, if we cannot reach the Client in sufficient time, we will provide the service to the best of our ability to match the price previously approved by the Client. If the Client decides not to proceed with any service and our Technician or team has already arrived at the job location, a Lock-Out Policy fee will be charged.


The price provided in the Estimate is for the service described in the Estimate, considering the house to be in a condition consistent with the condition determined during the Estimate or the in-person walk-through. The house should also be prepared to a 'ready to clean' condition as per our guidance provided to the Client and listed in our General Terms and Conditions, in line with the service ordered by the Client. Please note that evaluating the conditions of the Client's house is entirely at the discretion and consideration of Erika's House Cleaning LLC.

4. Custom Services

In cases where clients require custom services that are not part of our standard service packages described on our website, the entire scope of the service, including charges, will be listed and described in the estimate.

5. Initial Cleaning
By choosing our Initial Cleaning, the Client receives a special discounted price. To avail of this offer, the Client must schedule at least 6 Regular Maintenance Cleaning services within 7 months following the Client’s Initial Cleaning Service. It is the Client's responsibility to schedule these services within the required timeframe.

If the 6 scheduled cleanings are not completed within this period, or if the Client cancels Regular Cleaning Service before completing the required cleanings, the Client will be billed for the Initial Cleaning Discount amount. This amount will be payable within 7 days after issuing the invoice.

6. On-Request Areas and Add-On Cleaning Services Policy

Please note that our On-Request Areas and Add-On Cleaning Services are supplementary to the Client’s regular cleaning service and are not available as standalone services. These areas or services can be added to any of the Client’s regular cleaning appointments. To ensure that we can accommodate the Client’s request and work it into our schedule effectively, we kindly request that the Client schedule On-Request Areas and Add-On Cleaning Services at least 7 days before the Client’s regularly scheduled visit, and no later than 11 AM on the last Friday before the scheduled visit.


7. Extra Work

If the Client wants us to do extra tasks that are not part of their cleaning routine, they should contact us at least seven days, and no later than 11 AM on the last Friday before the scheduled visit to allow us to schedule extra time or extra team members. Requests for extra tasks with shorter notice will be added based on current availability. Additional charges may apply. We retain the right to review and modify rates as necessary.

If our Technician or Team discovers during a scheduled job that the house condition is worse than the condition for which the service was requested and scheduled, we will approach the situation as explained in paragraph, "Estimated Price Clarification," of these Terms and Conditions.

8. Special Treatment

If any of the Client's belongings as furniture, decorations, art pieces, etc., need any special treatment or have sentimental value to the Client and need to be handled in a specific way, or with extra caution the Client needs to notify Erika's House Cleaning LLC about that prior to the service in writing. The Client should inform us if there are any items of extreme value (monetary or sentimental) that we should avoid touching. These items should be dusted or cleaned by the Client themselves and not by any member of Erika's House Cleaning LLC team.


9. Equipment and Supplies

We ask and expect that the Client will provide a toilet brush by each toilet that needs to be cleaned during our visit, as well as any trash can bags they want us to replace.


We will provide all other cleaning supplies and equipment needed for the service.

If the Client has allergies or prefers a specific brand, we kindly request that they provide their preferred products with clear usage instructions and safety data sheets for all the products. Erika's House Cleaning LLC must be informed of this request in writing at least 7 days before the scheduled service. We will charge a minimum of $20 per service for any request to use the Client’s products or equipment, and an additional charge may be applied if the use of the Client's products or equipment requires an extended amount of time. Erika's House Cleaning LLC reserves the right to refuse the use of certain products and equipment.


Suppose a Client requests or requires Erika's House Cleaning LLC to use the Client's equipment or supplies. In that case, we are not taking any responsibility or liability for the used equipment or any damage that can occur while using the Client's equipment or supplies.


10. Utility Requirements for Service Delivery

To provide our service effectively, we require access to cold and warm running water in the kitchen and each bathroom, as well as all areas of the bathroom that are to be serviced. Additionally, we need electricity and appropriate lighting in the service areas. It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that these utilities are available. Failure to provide these utilities may limit our ability to deliver the service, and in such cases, the Client will be held responsible for the full service charge.


11. Specialized Services

Please note that any Special Services, Special Offers, and Discounted Services may have additional specific terms and conditions that apply. These additional specialized terms are provided to Clients along with the Estimate for the respective services. Clients must review and understand these terms before proceeding with the service. Failure to adhere to these specialized terms might result in additional charges. Please read and understand also our  "One-Time Service and Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning Services Additional Terms and Conditions" at


12. Safety

The Client must ensure that all persons in the house during our service are informed about our presence, are not within our team members' working area, and that children are supervised. We cannot monitor or entertain children while providing cleaning services. If any safety risk situation involving any person, including children, is not resolved in a reasonable and timely manner by the Client or another designated individual, we reserve the right to leave the job at any time.


To ensure the well-being and efficiency of our team, we kindly request the Client's cooperation. According to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the recommended indoor temperature range for human comfort during physical work is generally between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, we ask the Client to strive to maintain these temperature standards during our visits whenever possible. We reserve the right to adjust the Client's thermostat to reach these temperature ranges during our visits. If maintaining this temperature range is not feasible and indoor temperatures consistently fall below or above these limits, we reserve the right to leave the Client's house at any time for the safety of our team.


If we find it necessary to leave the Client's house due to any safety risk and we are unable to complete the job, or if any Erika's House Cleaning team member believes that their safety is compromised enough to warrant leaving the job site due to actions by the Client or others present at the job site, the Client will still be held responsible for payment. A full-service charge will be applicable in such cases.


13. Safe Reach

To ensure the safety of our team, our cleaning scope includes areas that are safely reachable from floor level. For maintenance services, we use a 3-foot extended duster, and for deep cleaning services, we use a 6-foot extended duster for high dusting upon a request. This approach ensures a safe working environment while effectively maintaining cleanliness in accessible areas.

Some of our deep cleaning services include tasks that require the use of a 3-step stool. We can perform cleaning tasks that are reachable with a maximum 3-step stool or with cleaning equipment that has extended reach from floor level for high dusting.

We understand that some homes may require cleaning in higher places more frequently as an occasional add-on to maintenance cleaning. If needed, this can be arranged upon request. We will bring the proper equipment and perform these tasks with properly trained and insured cleaning technicians. The price for this service is arranged individually based on the specific task and the amount of work required.


14. Appliances and Furniture Moving

We do not move large appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, or large furniture. Our goal is to provide comprehensive cleaning without risking damage to these sensitive and often high-value items.


15. Preparation for Cleaning

The Client is required to prepare their house to be "ready to clean." The Client should pick up clothing, toys, and other household items and take care of dishes before the service. The Client should make sure there is no clutter or dirty dishes on surfaces that are expected to be cleaned by our team. The Client should ensure that all trash, including personal hygiene products and any other sensitive trash items are appropriately disposed of in trash bins before our visit. This is to maintain hygiene standards and respect personal boundaries. We do not handle any extended amount of trash that is not properly disposed of in the trash cans. The better the Client's house is prepared for our visit, the better service we will be able to provide. If the house or certain areas are not prepared for our cleaning, Erika's House Cleaning LLC reserves the right to skip those areas with no price change for the scheduled service. 


Please note that if we encounter distractions that impede our work, we maintain the right to bill for the additional time spent in the residence. Distractions encompass situations such as pets, third parties, or other professionals as contractors that disrupt our cleaning routine.

Preparation for Cleaning Guidance: We are committed to providing a thorough and effective cleaning service. To help us in this endeavor, we kindly ask our clients to clear surfaces expected to be cleaned of clutter, dirty dishes or other personal items prior to our service. Regular items such as dish soap, hand soap, lotion bottles, toothpaste, and toothbrushes that can be safely moved will be shifted, the area will be cleaned, and then the items will be replaced. For countertops with an extended amount of small containers, bottles or other items as decorations or extended amounts of knick knacks, placing them on a tray or in a box that can be moved entirely before our visit will facilitate a complete countertop clean. This preparation enables us to focus on cleaning the space for optimal results. Otherwise, our service will be limited to dusting the tops of the items with a duster if possible and cleaning the surface only around these items. If you would like to arrange a service that will also include moving and organizing these types of items, please reach out to us to arrange the scope and pricing for that service.


Respecting Personal Items: Your home is your personal space filled with personal belongings. As such, we do not clean or organize specific personal items including dishes, food, groceries, laundry, craft sets, makeup sets and other cosmetics, jewelry, wallets, purses, paperwork, and other documents. Our focus remains on the surfaces and common areas around these items. All surfaces that need to be addressed should be accessible and reachable without these items.


Documents: We understand that your personal documents may be confidential and should remain in the order you have placed them. To respect your privacy and maintain the arrangement of your paperwork, we refrain from moving or organizing documents during our cleaning.


16. Pets

We are pet-friendly but appreciate the Client's help in ensuring pets are secure and safe. The Client should inform us of any special requirements for safeguarding pets. However, pets are always the Client's responsibility, and the Client takes full liability for our team members' safety when working in the presence of their pets and their pet's safety during our services. Suppose the Client or another designated person does not resolve any safety risk situation involving the pets in a reasonable time manner. In that case, we reserve the right to leave the job at any time with a full-service charge.


17. Plants
Due to the individual care of plants, we cannot water or maintain them.


18. Access

Clients must inform Erika's House Cleaning LLC of how to access the property in advance and ensure that we have access to the property on the scheduled service date and time. We do not take Clients' keys into our possession. Please use an exterior lock box if we need a key to access the property, or provide a garage or door code. If the Client does not provide us with access information before the scheduled visit, we expect that the Client or another designated person will provide access to the property upon our arrival. If the Client wants us to leave the property in a specific way different from how we accessed it, they must provide us with the necessary information in advance, so we can leave the property upon completing the job without any unnecessary waiting time.

19. Security Alarm

The Client must ensure that the alarm system is off or unarmed before our arrival. If the service provider cannot gain access to the property during the active security system, the Client will be charged a fee for the missed appointment (Lock-Out Policy).


20. Arrival Window
We ask for a two-hour arrival window to account for unexpected delays such as traffic or extended time on earlier jobs. Please allow us to arrive at any time during this two-hour arrival window. Please note that our reminder system has technical limits when sending visit reminders, so always consider the two-hour arrival window from the time set as the starting time of the arrival window in our visit reminder or on the scheduled visit calendar in our client portal.

21. Weather Conditions and/or School and Daycare Closures

Safety is our top priority. If road conditions are unsafe, we may reschedule or cancel the visit. Based on the nature of our service, unexpected school or daycare closures may affect our operations. In such cases, we may not be able to complete all scheduled cleaning visits. Therefore, we prioritize monthly Clients for rescheduling when weekly or bi-weekly Clients' visits may be skipped. We prioritize Clients in this order: monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly.


During adverse weather conditions or unexpected closures, we may need to communicate with a high number of clients. Please expect updates about your appointment via text messages to inform you of any delays or the need for rescheduling.


22. Payment Method and Terms

We accept payments by Card only.


Manual Payment: Clients must settle invoices within 24 hours of receiving them.
Card on File: Clients have the option to securely store their card details with us. The card will be automatically charged within 5 days following the service.


By scheduling services with Erika's House Cleaning LLC, the Client authorizes Erika's House Cleaning LLC to charge the card on file for any unpaid balance after the last day of the due period to prevent any late payment fees after the due date. If the card provided by the Client is declined, the Client should update the card information immediately upon notice of the declined transaction to process the payment within the due period or within 24 hours of notice about the declined transaction for Clients with a card on file.

There is no obligation to wait for an invoice. We send invoices upon request or as a reminder for unpaid services. The Client will always receive a receipt by email or text for any charge made to their card. Clients can view their invoice status, service, and payment history, make card payments, or add a card on file on the “Client Portal” at


Please note that we do not accept cash or check payments as a form of payment.


23. Payment Amount

The Client agrees to pay the service provider the amount written on the Estimate prior to service and comply with all charges based on these General Terms and Conditions. The prices for the services provided on the Estimate are based on average organized house and conditions reflecting the condition level during the estimate. If our Technician or Team discovers during a scheduled job that the house's organized level or condition is worse than the for which the service was requested and scheduled, we will approach the situation as explained in paragraph, "Estimated Price Clarification," of these Terms and Conditions.

We retain the right to re-evaluate regular cleaning rates as necessary. In this case, the Client will be informed of the price changes prior to the next service and will have the option to reject the service's continuity due to the price change. 


24. Booking Deposit

A "booking deposit" of up to 100% of the service charge may be required for One-Time Services or Initial Services. Any remaining balance, when a deposit of less than 100% is charged, is payable within 24 hours from receiving the invoice. Clients with a card on file will be charged after the service is completed.


This deposit is non-refundable if the service is canceled within 5 business days before the visit or if it is rescheduled within 72 hours before the scheduled visit. If the service is rescheduled with more than 72 hours' notice but later canceled, the booking deposit remains non-refundable.


25. Late Payment and Fees

If the Client fails to make the required payment by the due date and has a card on file with Erika's House Cleaning LLC, the Client authorizes Erika's House Cleaning LLC to charge the outstanding balance to that card. If the Client does not make the required payment and does not have a card on file or if the card was declined within 7 days of the payment due date, a late payment fee of 10% of the outstanding balance will be charged. An additional 3% late payment fee will be applied to the outstanding balance at the end of each week if the Client does not make the required payment within 14 days of the payment due date.

If any past due unpaid balance remains, all future visits and services will be put on hold until the balance is fully paid.


26. Canceling and Rescheduling Policy

Clients must notify us of any cancellation or rescheduling requests at least 72-hours before the scheduled cleaning time. Failure to do so will result in a charge of $50.00. If a client cancels or reschedules within 24 hours of the scheduled service, a fee equal to 50% of the scheduled service cost will be applied.

If the 72-hour notice period includes a weekend, holiday, or falls outside our business hours, clients should send their cancellation or rescheduling notice via text or email at least seventy-two hours before the scheduled cleaning. Please include all necessary details for rescheduling. We will respond as soon as possible to follow up.


This fee is due on the day of cancellation. For clients with cards on file, charges will be processed automatically within 5 days following the cancellation.


Additional Service Frequency Fees: If a client cancels a scheduled weekly service, the bi-weekly rate will be charged for the next visit. If a client cancels or reschedules a bi-weekly service and the period between cleanings exceeds 19 days, the monthly service rate will be charged for the next cleaning. If the interval between regular cleanings exceeds six weeks for any reason, an additional fee of at least $40 will be applied to the next visit.


27. Sickness

If the Client's household is affected by actively contagious illnesses, they need to inform us in advance before the scheduled appointment. We will evaluate the situation and inform the Client if services can or cannot be provided. This also depends on whether the Client will be at the house during the service and if they can implement extra measures, such as quarantining family members and disinfecting surfaces (e.g., spraying surfaces with disinfectant). Canceling or rescheduling a visit due to illness is subject to our cancellation policy.


We will not service any houses with Covid-19-positive household members. Cancellation fees can be waived if the Client voluntarily provides lab test proof, at their discretion. If the Client does not inform Erika's House Cleaning LLC about a contagious illness in the household before the scheduled appointment, we reserve the right to leave the job at any time with a full-service charge.


28. Lock-Out Policy (missed appointment)

If the property is not accessible upon our arrival during the scheduled arrival window, we will attempt to reach the Client. However, if we cannot reach the Client in sufficient time and the property remains inaccessible, up to 100% of the service price will be charged. This fee is due on the day of the missed appointment; clients with cards on file will be processed automatically within 5 days following the missed appointment.


29. Reporting Damages or Incidents

If any damage or incident occurs, we always make a record of the situation and inform the Client as soon as possible. If the Client is not home during our visit, we will attempt to reach the Client by the next business day at the latest. If the Client notices any damage during our visit, they should inform our team member immediately. If the Client notices any damage after our team has left their home, they should contact us immediately. If it is outside our regular business hours, they should reach us by email or text. Please always include information about the damage, including the time when it was noticed, a description, pictures, and an estimated cost of replacement or repair. This will help us process the issue as soon as possible and ensure a smooth process with our insurance if a claim needs to be filed.


30. Liability and Insurance

While we strive to work carefully in the Client's home, we ask the Client to understand that we are human and accidents may happen. We have a limited liability for any damage above $50 per incident, or an aggregate value of $50 per year of using our services. The value must be verified for any item over $50. For all damages above $50, the limits and conditions of Erika's House Cleaning LLC's liability to the Client are equal to the limits and conditions of the company's current liability insurance. Erika's House Cleaning LLC is insured for up to $2 million aggregate per year and can provide the Client with an insurance certificate upon request. The company reserves the right to change insurance providers and will inform Clients of any changes to the insurance limits on Erika’s House Cleaning LLC's website.


We hold no responsibility for damages or losses of items that have not been appropriately secured or for items that were previously damaged before our cleaning service. We do not take liability for items improperly installed or in previous inappropriate conditions, such as pictures hung inappropriately, etc. Additionally, we will not be held accountable for damages or losses resulting from the negligence of the Client. If any of the Client's furniture, appliances, or accessories require extra caution due to their irregular condition and necessitate special handling, the Client must inform us in advance in writing.


31. Privacy and Conduct

We take privacy very seriously. We will not share any Client information with any outside source. Our team members will be respectful while in the Client's home and will not answer doorbells or telephones. For training, quality check purposes, and our records, we may take pictures in the Client's home, but we won't share them with any outside source except in the situations listed below. If we want to use some pictures of our work for marketing purposes, we will always ask for the Client's permission to use them publicly. You can review our complete “Privacy and Cookies Policy” at

Exceptions for sharing any records with outside parties include situations involving past due unpaid balances from the Client to pursue debt collection, disputes arising from any interaction or relationship between Erika’s House Cleaning LLC and the Client requiring mediation, arbitration, or legal authorities. We may also use necessary information, including pictures, for clarity in response to any negative public announcements or reviews by the Client. Additionally, we may release Client information to insurance and bonding companies to file an insurance or bond claim or other situations as required by law.

32. Hiring Erika's House Cleaning LLC Employees or Former Employees

The Client agrees that if they directly or indirectly hire any current or former employee of Erika's House Cleaning LLC for cleaning or other services within the same or similar line of business, a referral fee of $2,500.00 will apply. This policy is in place to protect the company's investment in training and other costs. Upon directly or indirectly hiring any current or former employee of Erika's House Cleaning LLC, Erika's House Cleaning LLC will relinquish responsibility for overseeing the professional house cleaner. This includes, but is not limited to, liability protection, information security, scheduling, government taxes, service quality, and any other duties related to the cleaner's daily work responsibilities.


33. Service Termination, Policy Changes, and Client Communication
Erika's House Cleaning LLC maintains the right to refuse or discontinue service to any individual or entity at our discretion, for any reason. This encompasses instances such as non-payment or violations of our Terms and Conditions. We also reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at our sole discretion. Any alterations to the Terms and Conditions will be communicated to the Client with upcoming services, typically via email or text message, to ensure transparency and awareness. If Erika's House Cleaning LLC doesn't enforce a policy or provision in these Terms and Conditions right away, it doesn't mean we've waived our right to enforce it later. We still retain the ability to ensure all policies and provisions are followed.


34. Contact Information


New Clients for Inquiries, Estimates, etc.:

  • Phone: Call us at (719) 510-0323, Mon - Fri, 9 AM - 5 PM. You can leave a voice message after business hours, and we will respond during our business hours.

  • Text: Text us at (719) 510-0323, 24/7. We will reply during our business hours or after business hours based on current availability.

  • Email: Email us at, 24/7. We will reply during our business hours or after business hours based on current availability.

  • Online: Receive instant estimates at


Current Clients for Scheduling Changes, Visit Cancellations, Add-on Requests, etc.:

  • Phone: Call us at (719) 375-2223, Mon - Fri, 9 AM - 4 PM. You can leave a voice message, and we will respond during our business hours.

  • Text: Text us at (719) 375-2223, 24/7. We will reply during our business hours or after business hours based on current availability. If reaching us after hours, this is our preferred method of communication to ensure we receive your request as soon as possible.

  • Email: Email us at, 24/7. We will reply during our business hours or after business hours based on current availability.

  • Online: View and update information through our client portal at​


 Erika's House Cleaning LLC reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service to any individual or entity at any time for any reason. This includes but is not limited to, instances of non-payment or violation of our terms and conditions. 


Erika's House Cleaning LLC reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time and at our sole discretion. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be communicated to the Client in writing via email or text message.

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